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8 Tricks to Add Privacy to Your Backyard

Your backyard can be an escape from the world. Whether you have a pool, patio, or garden, your backyard offers a level of tranquility you can’t find anywhere else. However, your peaceful escape can be disrupted by a busy road or nosey neighbor.

That makes adding a level of privacy so important. Adding one of these options provides the privacy you need to truly appreciate your outdoor space.


Fences are a staple in neighborhoods across the country. You’ll have many different types of fencing to choose from—shades vary from light to dark, and fences come in a variety of styles. Finding the right option can improve the overall look of your yard. With some routine maintenance, your fence will keep your yard private for years to come.


Add a level of natural privacy to your yard by planting hedges to keep the outside world away. There are numerous hedge options out there—some evergreen varieties can provide year-round privacy while trees that lose their leaves in autumn offer a spectrum of fall colors. And, depending on the hedge type you choose, it can reach almost any desired height. Hedges do come with some downsides, however. They take time to grow and require a good level of maintenance.


If there is one area of your yard that needs some extra privacy, consider adding a fast-growing tree. Best of all, a new tree can be the focal point of your backyard landscaping. There are numerous options of fast-growing trees of varying sizes to choose from depending on your location. Silver maple trees and hybrid poplars both grow quickly and can be planted in many areas of the country. Also try planting trees and shrubs throughout your yard to create added layers of privacy.

Raised flower beds

Put your landscaping to work by using raised flowers beds to block the view into your yard. Raising your flower beds can add a couple of extra feet to the height of your plants and flowers. Also, they can help your yard bloom if you struggle with poor soil. Make better use of your raised flower beds by growing extra-tall plants, such as perennial hibiscus, delphinium, and holly hock.


Adding a pergola will not only become the center of your outdoor entertaining, you’ll add a level of privacy for you and your guests. While it doesn’t have a full roof or walls, a pergola’s construction will help boost your seclusion. Additionally, a pergola won’t block your view of the yard’s landscaping.  Add some climbing greenery to boost the privacy level along with the overall appearance.

Outdoor curtains

If you’re looking to add some privacy to a deck, patio, gazebo, or porch, outdoor curtains can give you the sense of being in an outdoor room. While outdoor curtains will give you privacy, they are also a cost-effective way to help add protection from the sun in your outdoor space.


A backyard trellis can help increase privacy while adding gorgeous greenery to your yard. While a trellis can block the view into your outdoor space, it is open enough for a summer breeze to pass through. Adding flowering climbing vines, such as morning glories, black-eyed susans, or clematis, will make your trellis an attention-grabbing feature that gives you the privacy you desire.

Potted plants

You can increase your solitude on a patio or balcony by using a variety of potted plants to block the view from the outside. Adding pots of various sizes is a good way to add a level of privacy that is less permanent, making this a good option for renters. Add bamboo or tall grasses to help get the most privacy out of your potted plants.

Everyone needs a little privacy, and adding one of these options to your yard can help keep the outside world away.

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